Sunday, April 29, 2012

Solar System Poems 29: Earth's Soul Mate

I think we may have gone all the way
too quickly 
for the good of the relationship.

Years of schoolkid crushes
fantasies about "the first time"
turned to lust and competition
when someone else made eyes at you.
We checked you out
and made promises
to ourselves? To you? 
After a thrilling conquest
and few long weekends together
we got distracted. 
We told you we'd call
but month after month after month
we didn't.

We thought you'd "just" be the first
but you're still the only.
Once again others are making eyes,
talking about moving in
and giving you the 
long-term relationship
we apparently couldn't.

Our response is a shrug,
paying you attention on the cheap
and hoping the ebb and flow 
of it all covers the fact
that many folks see red
and would rather find a new conquest
or die trying
than return to your touch.
No way to treat Earth's soul mate.

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