Saturday, June 7, 2014

Lo-fi mini-concert. Or something.

I picked up my guitar for the first time in a while intending to try some songwriting but I seem to have recorded some songs for the blog instead.  Your gain?  Whatever it is, they're recorded live with Audacity and with the gain set a bit too high, so the guitar is kind of distorted. However, since I haven't picked up my guitar in a while (see the first part) I need to get my calluses back in shape and I figured I'd live with the results. And now, so will you.

1. Middle of May (Gedankenband version on the Local Technique EP found here)
2. Take It On The Run (REO Speedwagon cover, because why not?)
3. Down from the Skies (Gedankenband version on the Do Not Tip or Rock album found here)

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