Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New Gedankenband EP: Unselectable

Link to Unselectable on Bandcamp
1. I Think I'll Fall In Love With You
2. What Am I To Do?
3. If I Can't Be
4. I Still Reckon
5. Lost In The Artifacts

I'm only too happy to report the availability of a new EP by Andy Rivkin and his Gedankenband: Unselectable. The songs have appeared here on the blog in acoustic or demo versions (or in one case the final version) over the years, but the majority appear in full band versions for the first time on the EP.

As usual, the EP is downloadable for free, though you may also choose to pay something for it if you like. But having people download and enjoy it is most important for me. :) 

Previous LPs, EPs, and singles are also still available, linked from the main Gedankenband page through their covers.

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