tl;dr: Canon Romance (take 0)
I've been on a bit of a songwriting jag lately. I think a few things are responsible, including a few live performances over the past couple of months, ramping myself up to do some recording, and some old inspirations getting revisited as a result.
This one is newly written today, and I recorded immediately after I finished writing it. It's probably done, though I of course reserve the right to change my mind. :) It's rooted in the video game RPG practice of having multiple characters available as romantic interests for the main player, but that out of necessity the overall plot has a default assumption of who the romantic interest "should" be, with the overall plot working better in that case. Naturally, I can't find the blog posts from folks discussing this with respect to the game Dragon Age 2 much better than I could, but maybe you can find them. In any case, canon romances aren't necessarily the fan favorites (cue the Garrus fans from Mass Effect), but since the overall plot assumes them, the arcs seem to be better. So, I was playing around with the idea of whether we have "canon romances" in our real lives, and came up with this song.
In any case, that's a lot of background.
Canon Romance (take 0)